SSPP Library


2018 - 2019

Every year I ask the parents to please donate a one year magazine subscription to the school library.   You all have been very generous to our library and your efforts do not go unnoticed.  Our students, your children, are thrilled to read the magazines when they visit the library and are very excited when the newest editions are delivered.

Below is a list of the magazines I now receive and when they expire. If any family is interested in donating a subscription this school year, 2018 - 2019, please email me with your choice and I will update the list. Our students thank you! 


Popular Science - expires 8/18

Muse - expired April 2018

Sports Illustated for Kids - expires October 2018

National Geographic Kids - Renewed July 2018 by Christy Rybczyk & family

Ranger Rick - expires 8/18

American Girl - expires Sept 2018

ZooBooks - renewed 7/27/17 by Christy Rybczyk & family, not expiring

Now… if anyone would be interested in donating a new magazine subscription here are a few suggestions I would love to offer our students

 Yum for Kids - a cooking magazine for kids

Any art related magazine (students & teachers love art!)

Any other suggestions ???

Please email me before you order the magazines in case another family has already purchased the subscription.

I’ve said it before… we have the very best of parents at SSPP!! Our library is the best place to visit because of your generosity and I couldn’t do it without you.  Thank you for all you do for the library and our students.

Mrs. Conway